Kayla Birt


I had an immediate friend-crush on Jessica while attending IU in pursuit of our Masters’ degrees– her adorable clothes and impeccable accessorizing made Jessica and I instant friends!  After finally saying ‘hi’ to Jessica I found that my life was made instantly brighter, cheerier, and never short of laughter (and lunch at Lennie’s with Jenna!).  We started a small Bible study together in grad school and have since continued staying in touch after moving away from each other. One of the funnier conversations we’ve had was when Jessica called me asking why I was in a picture with Tom’s sister and how in the world did I know the Bratt family??  I knew Tom and Jessica were meant to be from that very day!  When I’m not scouting future in-laws for my friends I am working at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA and when I’m not working I’m either reading or outside enjoying the sunshine, preferably both, and of course, preferably with Jessica. 🙂


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